There are 54 characters in the Devanagari script and they can be combined to form words. To write Barakhadi, one should learn the basic characters and their pronunciation. How do you write Barakhadi ?īarakhadi, also known as the Devanagari script, is the script used to write Hindi and other Indian languages. महेश = Mahesh What is Barakhadi called in English?īarakhadi or kakhara is commonly referred to as the “Barakhadi chart” or the “Barakhadi table” in English. You can write Any things Hindi to English, Like if Your Name is महेश then it wrote in English some like महेश = म→Ma + हे→he + श→sh We can easily translate in English to Hindi letters or Hindi to English Alphabets with help of Barahkhadi table. If you learn Barah Khadi in English or Kakhara in English this article help to learn, if you are child or young or any beginners. By learning these characters and the rules for combining them, children can learn to read and write in Devanagari script. Barakhadi consists of 12 basic characters, each representing a different consonant sound in the Indian language. How many Matras are there in Barakhadi?īarakhadi or kakhara is a writing system used to teach children the Devanagari script, which is used to write several languages including Hindi, Sanskrit, and Marathi.